the recent catastrophes in the southern states of west virginia and louisiana, though perhaps not avoidable, were made worse by the people responsible for improving the conditions and assisting the people. in fact, the officials responsible likely increased the number of deaths by negligent and impuslive actions.
we have all read or heard the reports from new orleans, thousands stranded without food and water. what's worse is that currently there is no active, ready plan to rebuild new orleans. national, state, and city organizations all hasve unique proposals and ideas for the new orleans. the city's mayor has created a commission responsible for creating a grab bag of ideas, with little attention to finances. while this seems permissible for a first step, there is no guideline of priorities when it comes down to making the decisions. in the mean time, residential communities lie flattened, futureless. video footage during and immediately after the hurricane made america look like a 3rd world nation; the beauracracy and in-fighting that is occuring, and the slow snail's pace at which decisions are being made, will only underline the corruption and lack of vision present at all levels of the government, from the city to the nation.
the second disastrous event became more painful than neccessary for the families of the victims. last week 12 miners were killed at the sago mine in charleston, west virginia. all family members were told that the miners were alive, and celebrations erupted. three hours later it was revealed that there was only one survivor. how this misinfinformation occurred is beyond anyone. investigation is currently on going, but it seems that officials without proper medical training declared to some members of the media that the miners were alive. because of this negligence and idiocy, families suffered tremendously.
in both events described, conditions worsened due to the inadequate vision, planning, and action of the officials in charge. furthermore, these are the kinds of mistakes rarely seen: even cities in malaysia and sri lanka are dealing with the effects of the much larger tsunami more effectively. and sure, miners always run the risk of fatality, and unfortunately accidents do occur around the world. but when have you heard of officials reporting 12 men alive, when in fact all 12 were already dead? on the officials' part, that is simply pathetic.
so what do these two events share? simply, idiots in charge, specifically the southern hicks. yep, i am saying it here, idiocy is a trait that runs through the bloodlines of the southern folk. obviously there are intelligent people from the south, but the positions of power are occupied predominantly by stupid, old, white, men. and they are all fools who can barely speak the english language, nevermind manage rescue operations. these are men who have mediocre education, little to no training for their specific position, and know a friend who knows a friend who lands them the job.
as long as these kinds of people remain in positions of power, the people and the cities of the south will continue to suffer. mark my words, new orleans will never fully redevelop with this kind of leadership.
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